A Simple Real World Benchmark for cygwin

Dan Vasaru dvasaru@broadpark.no
Mon Sep 2 14:34:00 GMT 2002

cgf> or investigate the code and offer ways to speed it up.

Here's a potential speedup for non-NTFS symlinks:

The check_shortcut function in shortcut.c calls CoInitialize/CoUninitialize
for *every* .LNK it needs to check on non EA filesystems.

I ran a small test on my computer, calling check_shortcut 1000 times.
When I moved the calls to CoInitialze/CoUnitialize outside the
check_shortcut function, the function throughput increased from 59 calls/sec
to 960 calls/sec.

As it turns out, CoInit...CoUninit costs up to 20 msecs on my system.

So my suggestion is that the CoInit../CoUnit... calls be moved to another
spot, to be called once per thread.


PS. This patch made no difference what-so-ever on the timing results of the
cygbench configure on my NTFS disks; then again, it may help FATxx/Samba/NFS

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