setup.exe and "in-use-file"

Sven Köhler
Mon Apr 14 04:18:00 GMT 2003

>> i know that this feature has been requested many many times!
> I don't know that.  In fact, I can't recall this specific popup window 
> EVER being requested, except as a possible proposal to solve a problem 
> (but the problem was solved using a different method):  There was some 
> discussion about the problems setup PREVIOUSLY had updating a system 
> when cygwin progs were running, and various solutions were proposed at 
> that time.  One of the proposed solutions was to do the popup thing as 
> you descibe; another proposed solution was to use the standard Windows 
> method of replacing in-use files: schedule them to be replaced on 
> next-reboot, and ask the user "ok to reboot?" at setup's conclusion. The 
> latter solution was chosen.

What was the problem with taking the best of both methods?

> After implementing one solution to any problem, it is generally assumed 
> that the other proposed solutions are null-and-void -- because the 
> problem is solved.

After the reboot-feature was introduced, many people (at least some) 
we're frustrated, that they have to reboot their computer. This 
discussion was months or even years ago.
Even at that time, the main response to those people was "better close 
all running cygwin-apps next time".

> The real reason why this particular request has not been acted upon (if 
> indeed it was requested post-replace-on-reboot) is the same reason any 
> other request (fictional or not) lies dormant: we do not have infinite 
> time nor an infinite number of programmers.  We prioritize.  If this 
> particular itch is really bothering you, scratch it: write code, submit 
> patches, etc.  Otherwise, stop complaining or we'll be forced to refund 
> your entire purchase price of the product.

I know that, and "prioritisation" sometimes seems to go wrong: new 
features are others are not really worked out - but don't take that 
setup.exe works quite OK - but today i had to reboot my computer. it 
just bothered me, that this silly thing hasn't been implemented yet.

Using RXVT makes it even worse!
Using the close-button of the RXVT window sometimes leave processes in 
memory that i would have to kill.

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