Output of bash dirs command vs. emacs

David Robinow Robinows@netscape.net
Wed Feb 19 18:56:00 GMT 2003

Ixnay Amenay <ixnay_amenay@yahoo.com> wrote:
>The output of the 'dirs' builtin does not escape space
>bash> dirs
>~/program files ~/src/emacs
>This breaks the M-x dirs function of both cygwin emacs
>and NT emacs.
>I believe this to be a bash bug: There is no way for
>emacs (or anything else) to parse the output of dirs
>and disambiguate "space used as delimiter" vs. "space
>in the directory name".
 bash is working as advertised.  In any case, unless this
is a cygwin-specific behaviour, it's offtopic.
 "M-x dirs" is not a standard emacs function.
 I suggest you recode it to use "dirs -p".  That should be
easy enough to parse.

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