Questions about building from CVS (was Re: documentation on building the cygwin dll)

David Rothenberger
Wed Jul 23 18:08:00 GMT 2003

Gerrit P. Haase writes:
 > Try this:
 > #!/bin/bash


Thanks for the script!  I just started building the cygwin DLL from
sources last week and this script sure does make it easier.

I do have two questions for those that have done it successfully.

First, how do you do the update from CVS?  If I go into the src
directory (created from "cvs checkout winsup") and run "cvs update",
I get a whole bunch of other packages in addition to winsup, which
isn't right.  If I run "cvs update" in "src/winsup", then the
supporting files in src aren't updated.  The best I can come up with
is to do "cvs update -l && cvs update *" in the src directory.  Is
this how everyone else does it?

Second, when I run make install (or your script), I find that it
produces many errors related to directories not existing in the
install directory.  I generally have to create them by hand and then
re-run "make install".  I do the following:

  $ grep -h /bin/install: log.install*  | \
    sed 's/^.*`\([^'"'"']*\).*$/\1/' | \
    xargs -n1 dirname | sort | uniq | \
    xargs mkdir -p

  $ gerritsScript install

Does everyone have this problem or is it something specific with my

cygcheck output attached for the curious.


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