gv fails: Unknown device: x11alpha

Dr. Volker Zell Dr.Volker.Zell@oracle.com
Wed Nov 5 09:08:00 GMT 2003

>>>>> "Lester" == Lester Ingber <ingber@ingber.com> writes:

    Lester> I just downloaded gv with my latest full update of all files available.
    Lester> When attempting to open a PostScript file I got
    Lester> Unknown device: x11alpha

Make sure you have the X-enabled version of ghostscript in your path.
By the way the require line in setup.hint pulls in the x11 enabled version.
I bet it's shadowed by /usr/bin/gs in your case.

> type -a gs
> gs is /usr/X11R6/bin/gs

> gs --help

GNU Ghostscript 7.05 (2002-04-22)
Copyright (C) 2002 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
Usage: gs [switches] [file1.ps file2.ps ...]
Most frequently used switches: (you can use # in place of =)
 -dNOPAUSE           no pause after page   | -q       `quiet', fewer messages
 -g<width>x<height>  page size in pixels   | -r<res>  pixels/inch resolution
 -sDEVICE=<devname>  select device         | -dBATCH  exit after last file
 -sOutputFile=<file> select output file: - for stdout, |command for pipe,
                                         embed %d or %ld for page #
Input formats: PostScript PostScriptLevel1 PostScriptLevel2 PDF
Available devices:
   x11 x11alpha x11cmyk x11gray2 x11gray4 x11mono bmpmono bmpgray bmpsep1

   bmpsep8 bmp16 bmp256 bmp16m bmp32b deskjet djet500 laserjet ljetplus
   ljet2p ljet3 ljet3d ljet4 ljet4d lj5mono lj5gray cdeskjet cdjcolor
   cdjmono cdj550 pj pjxl pjxl300 uniprint ijs bj10e bj200 bjc600 bjc800
   faxg3 faxg32d faxg4 pcxmono pcxgray pcx16 pcx256 pcx24b pcxcmyk pbm
   pbmraw pgm pgmraw pgnm pgnmraw pnm pnmraw ppm ppmraw pkm pkmraw pksm
   pksmraw tiffcrle tiffg3 tiffg32d tiffg4 tifflzw tiffpack tiff12nc
   tiff24nc psmono psgray psrgb bit bitrgb bitcmyk pngmono pnggray png16
   png256 png16m jpeg jpeggray pdfwrite pswrite epswrite pxlmono pxlcolor
   bbox cljet5 cljet5c nullpage
Search path:
   . : /usr/share/ghostscript/7.05/lib : /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts
Initialization files are compiled into the executable.
For more information, see /usr/doc/ghostscript-7.05/Use.htm.
Report bugs to bug-gs@ghostscript.com, using the form in Bug-form.htm.

    Lester> Lester



   "Is a dream a lie if it don't come true or is it something worse ..."

                                                   Dr. Volker Zell
      __ /  _  /  __  / ___/  /    ___/         -- Leitender Dozent --
     /  /  /__/  /_  / /     /    __/         Geschäftsstelle Düsseldorf
   ____/__/ _|__/ __/____/ ____/____/             Hamborner Str. 51
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   e-Mail: mailto:Dr.Volker.Zell@oracle.com
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           http://volker-zell.de.tf/      (Internet)
   Tel:    (+49) 211-74839-414            Mobil: (+49) 174-7409377
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