Any working PL./Perl instance of - Postgres 7.4.5-1,perl-5.8.5 - on -XP home or Win 2000?

Reini Urban
Fri Aug 27 15:48:00 GMT 2004

Kumar Pandey schrieb:
> If anyone with cygwin install of above combination
> (available from yesterday) could run the tests
> outlined below - I would very much appreciate it.
> Please post your results.
> Thanks
> Kumar
> Steps to install and test -
> 1) install plperl 
> createlang plperl template1
> 2) create test table 
> CREATE TABLE employee (
>      name text,
>      basesalary integer,
>      bonus integer
>  );
> 3) create test function
> CREATE FUNCTION empcomp(employee) RETURNS integer AS '
>      my ($emp) = @_;
>      return $emp->{''basesalary''} +
> $emp->{''bonus''};
>  ' LANGUAGE plperl;
> 4) add a test data
> insert into employee values('Sir Postgre',40,5);
> 5)use perl function - database crashes for me at this
> point.
> SELECT name, empcomp(employee) FROM employee;


BTW: postmaster -d 5
will give you verbose output.

it's a cygserver problem. But I haven't checked yet if it's just
too much connections (postgresql checks at init some max_connections 
params from 500 down to 10), still too less memory or if it's the dup 
dup(0) => Bad file descriptor ???

sometimes the single select works. sometimes it crashes after you do 
some inserts.
unfortunately the regression testsuite doesn't handle this case.

DEBUG:  found "/bin/postgres" using argv[0]
DEBUG:  invoking IpcMemoryCreate(size=1114112)
WARNING:  dup(0) failed after 3196 successes: Bad file descriptor
DEBUG:  max_safe_fds = 986, usable_fds = 3196, already_open = 4
DEBUG:  found "/bin/postmaster" using argv[0]
LOG:  database system was shut down at 2004-08-27 12:59:04 GMT
LOG:  checkpoint record is at 0/9DDFA0
LOG:  redo record is at 0/9DDFA0; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown TRUE
LOG:  next transaction ID: 536; next OID: 17142
LOG:  database system is ready
DEBUG:  proc_exit(0)
DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0)
DEBUG:  exit(0)
DEBUG:  reaping dead processes

Reini Urban

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