perl 5.8.6

Reini Urban
Thu Dec 2 13:46:00 GMT 2004

Reini Urban schrieb:
> No need to hurry, Gerrit :)
>   This arrived yesterday.
> Just wanted to know a rough timeframe and what you plan to do with the 
> DLL name, so that I can coordinate libwin32 and the Win32::GUI upgrades.
> I want to seperate Win32::GUI from libwin32, and I want to contact Rafael.
> We have to bite the bullet with the 5.8.5 dll dependency once.
> Maybe I'll come up up a simplier upgrade solution, changing the dll's 
> binmode: s/cygperl5_8_2.dll/cygperl5_8.dll/g and moving it over.
> Put this into the postinstall script to move all old CPAN libs to the 
> new site_perl?

Ok. I've written a script to upgrade site_perl to a new minor cygwin 
perl release.
For consistency I would suggest to keep the cygperl5_8_6.dll name then.
We had this name it for 5.8.2 and 5.8.5.

It's at 
<> 5.8.2 5.8.5
   will upgrade from 5.8.2 to 5.8.5
and 5.8.5 5.8.6
   will upgrade from 5.8.5 to 5.8.6

If you do a update your cygwin perl package to a new minor release and 
the binary API didn't change, you might want to skip to rebuild each and 
every custom package you installed via CPAN.
This script copies your /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.old to 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/ then.

It only works for minor upgrades, not for major ones, which changed the 
perlxs API! In this case you have to re-install all your site packages. old new:
* copies all old files over to the new library location.
* changes the cygperl dll name in each DLL under 
   to the new name. 'cygperl_5_8_5.dll' => 'cygperl_5_8_6.dll'
* fixes .packlist to the new paths.
* fixes perllocal.pod (not yet)
* skips all files already installed in new, unless --overwrite is given.

> Maybe I'll come to the pending Win32::API problem with the callbacks on 
> gcc also. A simple hack30-like solution should always be possible. Or a 
> fallback to C::Dynalib.
> Win32::OLE didn't compile OOTB, but this is easy. Just forgot where I 
> put the patch.
> And your /usr/include/iodbcunix.h was wrong. Had to patch it to compile 
> Win32::ODBC. Will send it later.
Reini Urban

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