stabilizing cygwin emacs

Thomas L Roche
Fri Feb 20 23:45:00 GMT 2004

FWIW: I can't point to any specific fixes, and I know my experience
differs from others reported, but: I've been running emacs for 3 days
now on X on 2004021<7|8>, and have had precisely _1_ crash. That's
the best record I've experienced since "upgrading" from 1.5.5-1.
(That 1 crash came while on a VPN, so it may have been related to
network drives dis/reconnecting, and it also came while I was away
from the keyboard and all work was saved, so it was not so annoying.)
My current config is

cygcheck -svr | grep -ie 'cygwin1\|xfree\|emacs'
>  1096k 2004/02/20 d:\ProgramFiles\Cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll - os=4.0
>  img=1.0 sys=4.0
>                   "cygwin1.dll" v0.0 ts=2004/2/18 17:38
>         DLL identifier: cygwin1
>         Shared id: cygwin1S4
> emacs                   21.2-12 
> emacs-el                21.2-12 
> emacs-X11               21.2-12 
> XFree86-base            4.3.0-1 
> XFree86-bin             4.3.0-8 
> XFree86-etc             4.3.0-6 
> XFree86-fenc            4.2.0-3 
> XFree86-fnts            4.2.0-3 
> XFree86-lib             4.3.0-1 
> XFree86-lib-compat      4.3.0-2 
> XFree86-startup-scripts 4.2.0-5 
> XFree86-xserv           4.3.0-44 

which appears to be up-to-date wrt those packages.

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