Using gcc 3.3.3

Larry Hall
Mon Mar 15 17:57:00 GMT 2004

At 02:32 AM 3/15/2004, you wrote:
>I tried building 3.3.3 using 3.3.1, which didn't work when doing 'make
>bootstrap'. But then I did a successful 'make bootstrap' of 3.3.2 using
>3.3.1. The bootstrapped 3.3.2 works fine, and claims to have been compiled
>by itself not 3.3.1. Even -mno-cygwin works fine on it. So I'm now happy, in
>that I've used my 'on-a-plate' compiler to compile myself a better one. But
>I'm greedy and curious, I want more. So now I've included in the path
>environment variable the path to this before the cygwin path, and I'm now
>trying to make bootstrap 3.3.3 using 3.3.2. Do you think it should work?

Maybe.  Try it.

>When I type 'man patch' it says 'no manual entry for patch', do I have to
>install this extra?

Yep.  You apparently don't have the 'patch' package.  Rerun setup and install 

>And what of this Chris geezer, does he have a known email address? Can he be
>contacted to be asked questions such as this?

I like to refer to Chris as "guru" rather than "geezer".  He reads this list
and has already responded to this thread so I think you can surmise from 
this that he can and will answer some questions.  But I can tell you he 
won't hand-hold you through the process and won't respond to person email
on this (that's why he sets his "reply-to" to the list, as do I).  So 
questions should be directed to the list.  However, you might find you 
get allot of helpful information from the gcc list email archives too.  If
you haven't ogled it yet, you may want to.

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Larry Hall []
>> Sent: 15 March 2004 02:11
>> To: Ben Taylor; Cygwin List
>> Subject: RE: Using gcc 3.3.3
>> 'man patch'.
>> But according to Chris, who knows more about Cygwin's gcc than I do,
>> -mno-cygwin should be configurable with vanilla gcc sources.  So, if
>> you're having difficulty with your locally built gcc/g++, you'll
>> need to figure out what's different in your environment.
>> Larry
>> At 03:58 PM 3/14/2004, you wrote:
>> >How do I apply patches to my existing Cygwin installation?
>> >
>> >
>> >> -----Original Message-----
>> >> From: Larry Hall []
>> >> Sent: 14 March 2004 18:59
>> >> To: Ben Taylor;
>> >> Subject: Re: Using gcc 3.3.3
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> At 09:50 AM 3/14/2004, you wrote:
>> >> >Hi
>> >> >
>> >> >I have got Cygwin running on my windows XP pc, using gcc 3.3.1.
>> >> I downloaded
>> >> >gcc 3.3.3 release, and managed to build it, however when I tried
>> >> to compile
>> >> >a windows application using it it compiled ok but gave a linker error
>> >> >'couldn't find crt2.o'. It gave this error when I was trying
>> to compile
>> >> >with -mno-cygwin, which worked with gcc 3.3.1. I found that this
>> >> file was in
>> >> >c:/cygwin/lib/mingw, but passing an option on to the linker such
>> >> >as -Wl,"-Lc:/cygwin/lib/mingw" or other variations on this
>> didn't work.
>> >> >However when I copied the crt2.o file to c:/cygwin/lib, it
>> >> worked! But then
>> >> >I read that -mno-cygwin wasn't  included on gcc 3.3.3. So was
>> >> this a fluke?
>> >> >Or is there a standard way to use gcc 3.3.3 on cygwin?
>> >> >
>> >> >Also if I used g++ 3.3.3 to compile but g++ 3.3.1 that came with
>> >> cygwin to
>> >> >link, it also works fine! Is it then actually using the benefits
>> >> of the more
>> >> >modern version?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> The gcc compiler suite for Cygwin contains patches to include the
>> >> '-mno-cygwin' switch.  Since gcc 3.3.3 isn't part of the Cygwin
>> >> distribution yet, you would need to patch your local version if
>> >> you want this functionality prior to it's inclusion in Cygwin.
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