bash incorrectly determines HOME and HOMEDRIVE

Ralf G. R. Bergs rabe@RWTH-Aachen.DE
Fri Mar 26 11:16:00 GMT 2004

Larry Hall wrote:

> HOMEDRIVE is set by Windows.

ACK. I was able to verify that.

> I'd agree.  But moving profiles like you did is not likely to be without
> repercussions.  I'm assuming that MS wouldn't recommend this.  Nevertheless,

Actually, it's not a problem at all. I used Windoze built-in
functionality to copy the profile, then changed just a single registry
entry. I can be sure that what I did was fine since I haven't yet a
single Windoze program fail or put stuff into the wrong directory.

> it's a Windows problem that you'll get better information about it on some
> other list.  At this point, you've gone beyond the scope of this one.

I agree. Thanks for pointing me to the fact that this problem is

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