Cygwin finally croaked

Larry Hall
Sun Oct 24 21:48:00 GMT 2004

At 10:08 AM 10/24/2004, you wrote:
>I installed cygwin version.  Not sure of the version but somtime at beginning of this year 2004.
>I never really use it except for the whois functionality.  A few days ago I noticed when I first double click on the icon on my Windows 2000 SP3 desktop the console comes up and disappears.  I have to double-click again and it comes up stays and I can do the whois.
>Then sometimes the console does not receive keyboard input.  I shake my desktop around a little bit spit left roll my eyes and it starts to receive input and I can logout.
>Is there a shelflife to Cygwin?  Seems so here.

Oh, absolutely.  Cygwin spoils after a few weeks.  I'm surprised you didn't
notice the smell.  Well, I guess you were lucky.

Sometimes you can prolong the shelf-life by spitting, shaking your machine, 
and rolling your eyes, much like you found.  Cygwin is sensitive to abuse
and actually prefers it when you're rough.  So I think you've stumbled 
across exactly the right technique to keep Cygwin going as long as it did.
Congratulations! :-)

On a more serious note, if any of the above behavior really does help in 
some way, I suspect a hardware problem.  But if you feel that the problem
is with your Cygwin installation, I'd recommend reviewing:

>Problem reports:

A clear problem report might help someone on this list help you figure out 
what's wrong with your installation.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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