Bash 2.05 vs. 3.0 Prompt Behavior

Eric Blake
Thu Jul 7 21:34:00 GMT 2005

> I updated my Cygwin installation this morning and picked up the new
> version of Bash (3.0-7).  When I started a new shell (running under
> rxvt) I was suprised to see that my prompt displayed differently than
> before the upgrade.  I use the following prompt
>     PS1='\[\e]0;${WINDOW_TITLE}\u@\h \w\a\]\u@\h\$ '
> The difference is the display of the portion that is not put in the
> title bar, with Bash 2.05 the prompt was (ignoring the tick marks, which
> are only included to the trailing whitespace) 'pds@whangarei$ ', while
> with Bash 3.0 the prompt is 'pds@whangarei$  '.  Note the extra space at
> the end with 3.0.  If I remove the space, the dollar sign is doubled,
> i.e. 'pds@whangarei$$', if I replace the last space in the PS1 value
> with someother character, then that character is doubled.
> I do not see this behavior if I use the default value of PS1 from
> /etc/profile.

I can confirm the behavior, and I don't see anything wrong with your
prompt string (it correctly uses \[ and \]).  I'll have to investigate
further.  Several of the official upstream patches to bash have dealt
with prompt issues, though, so it may be an upstream bug.

Eric Blake
cygwin bash maintainer

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