Required your help

J. David Boyd
Mon Jul 25 18:32:00 GMT 2005

Phanisekhar Gorti <> writes:

> Hi -
> Good Morning!
> We have Unix servers where in we have installed application. Now we
> have to configure this application. It is required to use X window
> config tool to get that. I have tried but could able to do it through
> CYGWIN. Could you please provide me the steps that i have to follow.
> Thank alot for your help.
> Regards,
> Phanisekhar Gorti

You aren't running the cygwin x-server, probably.

It is in the \cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin folder, and you start it from the command
line with startxwin.bat.

You might need to modify it before it opens an xterm to add in an xhost
command, but it seems to work right out of the box for me.

I use the cygwin xserver 8-9 hours a day, five days a week, while others in my
office use Reflection-X, etc, and other costly programs.

I think cygwin xserver works faster than anything I've seen, so give it a try.

I made an icon on my desktop that calls C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\startxwin.bat,
modified to open 4 xterms, and it works great.

Dave in Largo, FL

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