Questions on patching

Max Kaehn
Thu May 26 18:20:00 GMT 2005

On Thu, 2005-05-26 at 07:58, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> I don't know what "submit it" means here.  If the submission is for inclusion
> somewhere in the cygwin-specific part of winsup then the code needs to be
> assigned to Red Hat.  Otherwise, why not just make it GPL?

If MSVC code is acceptable for the cygwin-specific part of winsup, it
definitely gets the cygwin license.  If it should go someplace else,
then I want people who have purchased a cygwin license from Red Hat
not to have to worry about the legalities of copying code from the test
program.  If I can use the cygwin license for code in "contrib"
(or wherever), then that's fine.

My intent here is to minimize the barrier to entry of creating
proprietary programs that interoperate well with cygwin.  If someone
makes a proprietary tool and has customers clamoring for it to work
better with cygwin (e.g. doing proper cleanup when getting a ^C while
running in an xterm), I want the business decision to be a matter
of "the integration code is already available; the only question
is whether the value added is greater than the cost of a cygwin
license from Red Hat".

I'm new to actually *selecting* open source licenses, so I'm grateful
for all feedback on selecting an appropriate one for the test
looks good; is it appropriate for me to assign the copyright to
Red Hat?

I got signal handling working yesterday; it works by spawning
a thread that loops on sigwait().  I want to make another pass
over the program doing cleanup and documentation and it'll be
ready for submission, probably by the time the copyright assignment
forms make it through snail mail.  I'll also see if I can make a
mingw version for winsup/testsuite, as Igor suggested.


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