escape codes in ksh "\033]0;\$PWD\007\$PWD> "

Robert Body
Wed Nov 23 01:16:00 GMT 2005

I have not been able to figure out how to send escape codes to ksh

I saw a syntax for ksh on
PS1='^[]0;${USER}@${HOST}: ${PWD}^Gksh$ '
where ^[ is used instead of \033 and ^G instead of \007
but I tried 3 systems with ksh, no go, it doesn't understand escape 
characters, not with \032, not with \[\e and not with ^[ to signfy beginning 
of escape code... ksh just repeats them exactly like regular characters

in bash it's easy
PS1='\[\e]0;$PWD\a\]$PWD> '        # (in title) HOST-$PWD ... $PATH>

I came up with the following... needs perl, needs xterm
but works in ksh, and bash too
PS1=$(perl -e 'printf "\033]0;\$PWD\007\$PWD> "')

but i just don't know how (and someone must know how) people get the escape 
codes into ksh that it works from command prompt or script with a one line 
solution (and without secondary help from something like c or perl code)

Oh, the purpose of this escape sequence is to synchronize the title with PS1 
to be the current directory on an xterm (but the question is about escape 
codes, not xterm ;-) )


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