Strange crash in -mno-cygwin DLL

Julian Hall
Thu Sep 8 07:59:00 GMT 2005


I'm compiling a library I've had working as a static library for a while 
into a dll using 'g++ -mno-cygwin'.  The compile works fine, and I'm 
able to link an app to it, but the app crashes with the message 
'Application failed to initialize (C0000005)'.  I've tried single 
stepping, but in order to get anywhere I've had to set a breakpoint on 
the DLL entry point '*0x10010000' and use 'stepi' through the 
instructions I don't have debug information for.  The crash is happening 
within a call to AddAtomA from the function __w32_sharedptr_set.  The 
last few instructions to execute are:

10016c96:       89 45 e0                mov    %eax,0xffffffe0(%ebp)
10016c99:       a1 8c 5a 02 10          mov    0x10025a8c,%eax
10016c9e:       89 45 e4                mov    %eax,0xffffffe4(%ebp)
10016ca1:       a1 90 5a 02 10          mov    0x10025a90,%eax
10016ca6:       89 45 e8                mov    %eax,0xffffffe8(%ebp)
10016ca9:       a1 94 5a 02 10          mov    0x10025a94,%eax
10016cae:       89 45 ec                mov    %eax,0xffffffec(%ebp)
10016cb1:       a1 98 5a 02 10          mov    0x10025a98,%eax
10016cb6:       89 45 f0                mov    %eax,0xfffffff0(%ebp)
10016cb9:       a1 9c 5a 02 10          mov    0x10025a9c,%eax
10016cbe:       89 45 f4                mov    %eax,0xfffffff4(%ebp)
10016cc1:       8d 45 b8                lea    0xffffffb8(%ebp),%eax
10016cc4:       89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp)
10016cc7:       e8 34 10 00 00          call   10017d00 <_AddAtomA@4>

Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this failure?  As far as 
I can tell, all of this is happening *before* msvcrt.dll initialises; 
could that be the problem?  If so, how do I ensure that msvcrt.dll 
initialises first?

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