Fixing the state of C++ in Cygwin

Doyle Rhynard
Thu Apr 27 07:51:00 GMT 2006

Angelo Graziosi wrote:
> There is a CERN application, ROOT, that when it is built with current
> Cygwin GCC 3.4.4-1, has problems at runtime (hang, stackdump...).
> But following this, I
> have made a build of GCC-3.4.4 that includes
> --enable-fully-dynamic-string.
> This new GCC build seems to have solved those problems!
> It would be desirable to see this fixed in Cygwin as promised in

Did you have much trouble building gcc-3.4.4-1? I have been trying off 
and on for several weeks to get it to build with no errors. 
Interestingly, the --enable-fully-dynamic-string is set by default in 
the build script.

The bash script that does the build will not even run due an error with 
an extra "&& )" into the install2 option. There is also a problem with a 
libstdc++ Makefile that might be caused by an error in bash, itself.

I also question the wisdom of requiring building of all of the gcc 
languages: c, c++, d, objc, ada, and java requires a considerable amount 
of time. The reason why the source files have not been patched already 
is bothersome in itself. I do not have a clue whether a particular patch 
should be reversed or not before being applied, in ada, for example. I 
just accepted the default and hoped for the best.

I am getting closer, in any case. On the positive side, I have learned 
how to use the base debugger, bashdb, as well the make debugger, remake.

So far, I am lost a considerable amount of time, both in tracking the 
original cause of the DLL string crashes and in trying to rebuild gcc to 
solve the problem. Since the cause and a fix have been known for some 
time now, I, too, am perplexed why an official version has not been 

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