CreateFileMapping Problem

Corinna Vinschen
Fri Aug 11 17:02:00 GMT 2006

On Aug 10 11:15, wrote:
> hi,
> here is more info
> > So, just to be sure about this.  You're claiming that it happens when a
> > user already has logged on for a while, is running Cygwin for a while?
> > And then the above error just happens at one point?  It does not happen
> > at the time the user tries to start his or her first Cygwin process?
> time of logon does not seem to be dependend on the time of the error in 
> our case. neither the time of starting the first cygwin shell if rdesktop 
> is used. it definately isnt the first cygwin process that errors out. 
> sometimes we get the error just a few minutes after logon, sometimes a few 
> hours. as i already mentioned, i have the impression that it seems to 
> occur more often/earlier as more users are compiling at the same time.
> our nightly build, for example, broke at library ~100 out of ~300
> > Can you tell me if the users which are logging in through rdesktop
> > are Admins, or if they have the SeCreateGlobalPrivilege explicitely set?
> > In theory, normal non-Admin users logging in through rdesktop should
> > never create global objects, so they shouldn't see the above message.
> logging in users through ssh and rdesktop are only member of "users" and 
> "remote desktop users". after installing sshd with ssh-host-config the 
> sshd user had the SeCreateGlobalPrivilege flag. using ssh, the cygwin and 
> the windows whoami binary correctly report the username, not sshd. we had 
> the CreateFileMapping problem with the default rights windows came with, 
> so we added the group users to this privilege using gpedit.msc (which btw 
> is not listed by 'editrights -l -u username'). these settings are still 
> active.

I tried hard to reproduce the problem on two different 2K3 systems, but
to no avail.  Even 7 parallel builds using different admin and non-admin
accounts for a couple of hours didn't encounter the problem once.

So, I checked in a change to CVS which should allow to get at least more
debug output, if not a desperate workaround for this problem, which
actually looks like a Windows bug.  It should never happen that a
function fails and GetLastError returns 0.

Anyway, it would be helpful if you could test the DLL from the next
Cygwin snapshot.  In case the problem occurs again, there should be not
only one output line, but multiple lines with CreateFileMapping and
OpenFileMapping in them.  It's also possible that it actually helps.
The debug output would show up nevertheless.  Either case, I would like
to see what has been printed.

To speed this up, it would actually be helpful if everybody having this
problem could test it.  Andrew De Faria, for instance, reported the same
problem showing up with rsh and make in July:  Maybe you could
test, too, Andrew?


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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