Color Schemes

Richard Lynch (Contractor)
Wed Aug 30 23:33:00 GMT 2006

I'm starting cygwin from the Start menu that cygwin installed, which windows
'properties' show as mapped to:

I used the 'Properties' in that window to get the scheme I wanted, and
applied to the thingie that launched this shell.

I've also modified the 'properties' from the Start menu item directly, and
clicked on the pretty color icons instead of typing the digits, as suggested.

It "works", even on launching another, in that I can change the color scheme
of the bash shell any way I like, but it has no effect I can tell on the ANSI
colors of termcap which define 'less' behaviour, nor the LS_COLORS that
define 'ls' behaviour.

My 'man man' output now looks like this:

 man - format and display the on-line manual pages

 man [            ] [      ] [   system] [   string] [   config_file] [
pathlist] [   pager] [   section_list] [section] name ...

Note that all the things that 'less' would reverse-video are effectively

Adding alias less = 'less -r' in ~/.bashrc had no effect:

$ grep less .bashrc
# alias less='less -r'                          # raw control characters
alias less='less -r'

-R was equally ineffective

Fixing 'ls' is do-able, I guess.

Editing /etc/termcap by hand, however, is way beyond my skill level, and I
been doing this stuff for a couple decades...

One work-around:
man XYZ > XYZ.out

Then, in vi XYZ.out (or editor of choice) replace '^H.' with nothing.

E.g., in vi:


To get ^H, one must type control-v control-h

The '.' matches any characters, as, apparently, the sequence x^Hx indicates
the reverse video to 'less'

This is not, however, a general solution for 'less', but at least I can now
read the man pages to attempt to figure out how to fix the man pages output.
[Yes, I know I can read them elsewhere too]

Thanks for your help!


-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Dave Korn
Sent: Wed 8/30/2006 5:13 PM
Subject: [SPAM]  RE: Color Schemes
On 30 August 2006 23:02, mwoehlke wrote:

> Richard Lynch (Contractor) wrote:
>> Noobie cygwin alert!
>> Hopefully this isn't too verbose...
> Well, I stopped reading about halfway through...

  Just a moment too soon, alas.

>> I like color-coding of ls and vim and man and all that.
>> But I can't handle the default color scheme.  My eyes are too old.
>> So I changed the colors in cygwin DOS-like shell preferences to black
>> foreground and white background.

> If you are using the CUI (started your shell from a .bat file or ran
> bash.exe directly), right-click the title bar, pick 'properties' and go
> to the 'colors' tab (you might also find the 'font' tab useful; it will
> let you change the text size).

  I believe that's exactly what he meant by "dos-like shell preferences".
Unfortunately I don't know anything about how to make cygwin aware of these

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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