FW: Re: Problem when using variable assignment, backticks in shell script

Christopher Faylor cgf-no-personal-reply-please@cygwin.com
Thu Aug 31 18:00:00 GMT 2006

On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 11:56:31AM -0400, Charli Li wrote:
>cgf wrote:
>>On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 05:04:08PM +0200, CARTER Alan wrote:
>>>>Hmm...  9 lines of content, 10 of disclaimer...  *sip!* Eew, and the
>>>>disclaimer isn't even line-wrapped...
>>>>(How come PCYMTNILOAUD is not on the OLOCA yet?  ;-))
>>>Ah.  You think I typed that, myself?  I didn't.  It was automatically
>>>appended by the local email system.  Many corporate email systems do
>>>this kind of thing, because (IMHO) the people that run them are more
>>>concerned with posturing within their own value system (which does not
>>>map to reality) than they are with doing anything useful.
>>Whether you typed it yourself or not, those type of disclaimers are
>>actually not allowed in mail to mailing lists at this site:
>>The same thing holds true for gcc.gnu.org.
>>cygwin.com == sourceware.org == gcc.gnu.org
>>Please find some other way of sending email which does not try to
>>enforce some kind of faux-legal obligations on the reader.
>Thread TITTTL'd!

Um.  Recent gold stars aside, I really am capable of deciding when something
is or is not on-topic here.

I'm not going to force someone else to respond in another mailing list
when I think something is of general importance to the people reading
the list here.

In this case, I specifically responded here since I was talking about a
policy statement for this site and for this mailing list.  While I am
certainly sensitive to increasing traffic in this list, talking about
policies is not off-topic here -- not that there is much to talk about.
If you really want to advocate for a policy change then neither this
mailing list nor cygwin-talk is the place to do so.


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