[octave ] LOADPATH recurses only one level of subdirectories

Larrie Carr larrie@telus.net
Thu Feb 9 20:25:00 GMT 2006

>Your attachments don't seem to be available, so I am not able to see the
>structure of your test.

>However, a test of my own indicates the functionality does work.  What I do 
>create a file called .octaverc in my own home directory, with the contents


>I then add my own private octave functions to the directory tree under
>~/.octave.  I tested that adding a new m-file more than one level down does
>make it available when octave is restarted, forcing the path to be

>Please realize that normally the LOADPATH is only recursed once, at the 
>octave is loaded.  If you put new functions out there, you need to force 
>to re-read the path.  There may be other ways to do it, but the easiest is 
>exit and restart.

The problem is not that is is NOT recursing, it just that it seems to 
recurse only 1 level down.  And I've looked over at the bug lists at 
octave.org and at cygwin looking for something related.

If the loadpath contains the path /blah/A//, I would expect the tool to find 
a file (say test.m) located /blah/A/B/C/D/test.m.  It does not.

But if the loadpath contains the path /blah/A/B/C//, the tool does recurse 1 
level through directory D to find the file.  That includes all combinations 
of restarting and setting the path (LOAD_PATH and DEFAULT_LOADPATH) and path 
/blah/A/B//.  I believe this does not match the documentation and user 

In short, octave-forge is non-functional as it uses multiple subdirectories.

I've been looking through the sources and nothing has sprung up.  Did find a 
cut-and-paste code error in oct_file_in_path() in utils.cc where the string 
length is not properly checked.  Look like a cut and paste from 
fcn_file_in_path().  But this is for a different group.

int len = name.length();

if( len > 0) {
   if (len >2 && name [ len-4] == '.' && name [len-3] == 'o'
      && name[len-2] == 'c' && name [len-1] =='t') 

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