Network Linking

networking 4 u
Tue Feb 14 10:19:00 GMT 2006

I have just been checking out your web site and think its fantastic!
It has some cool content that really ties in with my new resource site.

I liked your site so much, I went ahead and added
you here: under

I hope you'll be pleased to have the link to your site -
i'm sure you know how vital links are for increasing traffic
and search engine rankings. 

I'd be very grateful if you would return the favor and link
back to me. Perhaps we could even look at doing more cross
linking/promotion in the future and continue to help each 
other out even more.

Although the site has only just been completed, we are
aggressively building links and expect our page rank to rise
dramatically. By linking back to us you can help this happen
and direct even more traffic to your site!

If you do want to link back, here are the details;

Title : Networking 4 u
url :
Description : Problems linking up? Heres everything you need to know about networking.

or if you prefer the html is
<a href="">Networking 4 u</a>: Problems linking up? Heres everything you need to know about networking.

Cheers... and feel free to drop me an email if you'd like to chat more
about this.

Thank you for your time,


PS. I've created a list of all the sites I've visited but
if you have received this email in error then please let me
know and I will remove you from my list and apologies for
any inconvenience this has caused.//

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