
Elliott Hughes EHughes@bluearc.com
Wed Feb 22 02:32:00 GMT 2006

Cygwin doesn't seem to have POSIX's unfortunately-named "posix_openpt" function in its stdlib.h. The function's documented here:


I'm currently successfully using the implementation below in my application, but wondered if there was any interest in adding it to Cygwin itself?

#ifdef __CYGWIN__
    // Cygwin doesn't currently have posix_openpt(3).
    int posix_openpt(int oflag) {
        return open("/dev/ptmx", oflag);

(Given the simplicity of the implementation, you might be wondering why anyone would care about this trivial little function, other than a standards pedant? The answer is that although that implementation suffices on Cygwin and Linux, OSes such as Darwin require a complicated trawl through /dev looking for suitable candidates.)

Elliott Hughes, BlueArc Engineering

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