Color Schemes

Fri Sep 1 14:43:00 GMT 2006

George wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 12:59:09PM -0500, mwoehlke wrote:
>>> George wrote:
>>> On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 09:44:51AM -0500, mwoehlke wrote:
>>>> Dave Korn wrote:
>>>> [...] and I am not aware of any way to examine the terminal's 
>>>> "palette", nor should you need to. If a user wants to fiddle with 
>>>> these, it is his responsibility to keep things legible.
>>> $ grep color ~/.Xdefaults
>>> [...]
>>> Or am I missing something?
>> Sure. Now do it for Konsole (hint: DCOP *might* let you), CUI, Console, 
>> rxvt, PuTTY, and every other terminal emulator in existence.
> I guess I don't understand why one would expect that to be possible, or 
> desirable.  

Exactly. I don't expect it to be possible, nor do I see a purpose for 
it. Which is why I wondered why you went digging for how to do it with 
xterm. :-) So I guess we are in violent agreement?

>> What you found is the *default* colors for *one* emulator (what happens 
>> if you override them with command-line switches?). 
> No, those are my colors (the default colors are very different) and are 
> used by any emulator that makes uses of .Xdefaults, which includes rxvt 
> and standard xterms.  Command-line switches for both are mostly in a 
> one-to-one correspondence with the directives in .Xdefaults.  

"Defaults" as in "unless command-line args are used to override them". I 
did notice that they looked decidedly 'non-standard'. :-)

>> Dave and I were talking about being able to query the terminal 
>> emulator in a standardized way, and I am pretty sure there is no such 
>> way.
> Sorry for the noise.

Eh, don't worry about it. Now I know where to tinker with rxvt's 
"default" settings. :-) Never know who might get something out of this...

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