Wish Setup would accept my Perl

William Sutton william@trilug.org
Thu Dec 6 18:55:00 GMT 2007

Having done a bit of this myself, I'm interested into enquiring further 
into your difficulties.  Except for win32-specific modules, perl code 
*should* *just work* for either cygwin perl of for ActiveState.  Last I 
checked (and it's been about a year), you should be able to get the 
win32-specific modules for cygwin as well, so I'm not sure why you can't 
just invoke the script in your bash shell and have it run.

William Sutton

On Thu, 6 Dec 2007, Michael Kairys wrote:

> DePriest, Jason R. <jrdepriest <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> I have ActiveState Perl installed and cygwin perl.
>> ...
>> I have no problems when I use each version in the appropriate environment.
>> Simple scripts can be written that will run in both environments.
>> ...
>> Cygwin handles the pathing so I never have a problem with a cygwin
>> bash prompt trying to call C:\Perl\bin\perl when I just use 'perl'.
>> It checks /usr/bin/perl first.
> I see that quite a discussion has evolved since last I checked this thread.
> Thanks to all of you who shared your experience and advice...
> I'm convinced that using AS Perl with Cygwin as I do is potentially unstable
> and I should not continue to ignore the issue. However after reading and re-
> reading all the posts I do not see a clear solution that fits with my usage. I
> would like to expand on that a bit and ask you to take one more pass at it.
> I originally got into Perl when I worked at DEC and needed a language in which
> I could write build scripts for Unix, VMS, and NT. Perl certainly helped me
> out there. However today I work almost entirely on Windows, except when I
> occasionally telnet into a Solaris server. Today, my Perl programs fall
> roughly into three groups:
> (1) Personal-use automation-glue scripts which never leave my machine and are
> likely to be Windows-specific (Registry, Clipboard, OLE)
> (2) Perl/TK programs that I share with my co-workers, again Windows-specific
> (3) A small number of scripts that I run on Solaris (but may test on Windows).
> I use Cygwin on Windows out of preference for the Bash shell, the Unix
> utilities, and the filesystem semantics. To be perfectly honest I use very
> little of the rest of Cygwin's wonderfully rich environment.
> I would be okay with maintaining two Perl environments, even if I had to do
> both PPM and cpan module management. However I want to type "perl foo.pl" at
> the Bash prompt and have foo.pl Just Work, whether it is written for AS or is
> generic enough that it could run under either. I just don't see how to make
> this work.
> I suppose I could rewrite my Bash aliases so "foo" equals "/c/Perl/bin/perl
> foo.pl" (it now equals "perl -S foo.pl") but I don't have all my scripts
> aliased and I'm used to finding them via the path.
> I could try "porting" all of my scripts that I can from AS to Cygwin but I
> really don't know what's involved there. I no longer use AS's debugger or
> their Komodo product since I discovered I could use Eclipse; but my scripts
> use Windows path semantics everywhere (in groups 1 and 2 anyway) and I'm sure
> there are other things that would break. (And I rather like the AS
> documentation :)
> I would appreciate any further thought you care to give this question, and TIA.
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