Using a secondary install of gcc/g++ binutils

Brian Dantes
Mon Jun 11 14:55:00 GMT 2007


I am trying to deploy a secondary install of gcc/g++ under Cygwin. For a
package I am developing I need to keep the compiler and binutils stable even
if the Cygwin environment itself changes. I am using the the compiler in
-mno-cygwin mode to generates Win32 binaries -- I am not using the MinGW
compiler directly because it does not understand Cygwin paths, and I really
need the Cygwin environment to smoothly integrate other third party packages
that rely on an autoconf/automake/configure setup as closely matching Unix
as possible.

I have been trying use the --sysroot (I am talking about the compile option
*not* the build otpion --with-sysroot) or at at least -isysroot options with
Cygwin gcc/g++ 3.4.4, but it either seems to ignore the flags altogether or
cause cc1 to consume 100% CPU and somehow wedge. The only thing I've found
that works is to use a combination of PATH, -B, -nostdinc and a whole long
list of -I options to make sure my secondary install doesn't use any of the
default system headers and binutils installed in the master Cygwin

I am *not* trying to run to instances of the Cygwin.dll at the same time. I
have used setup.exe to make a secondary set of packages to get just the
compiler and binutils, and then have been trying to use that package to
build code ensuring that it doesn't use any of the tools, headers or
libraries in the default install.

Can someone offer any pointers on an easier way to get this working? I've
been having a hard time telling from the gcc web site and change notes when
--sysroot made it into the tool chain. It's possible --sysroot didn't get in
until gcc 4.x sometime, but -isysroot I believe definitely should be working
in 3.4.

I guess what I would really like is a version of the MinGW compiler tools
that understand Cygwin paths. Is there such a beast?

As an aside, is object code and libraries generated by MinGW gcc/g++ 3.4.2
(the latest stable release, I believe) fully compatible with Cygwin's
gcc/g++ 3.4.4 code generated in -mno-cygwin?

Thanks very much,
Brian Dantes

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