using rsync with Win32/UNC pathnames?

Tomasz Chmielewski
Thu Apr 3 13:15:00 GMT 2008

Tomasz Chmielewski schrieb:
> James Abley schrieb:
> (...)
>> I've just tried the current snapshot and most (all?) of my problems
>> with long path names have gone away, whereas the main release was
>> failing at the start of the month.
>> Previously:
>> 2008/03/07 20:47:05 [13024] rsync: readlink
>> "/AppData/Local/Application Data/Application Data/Application
>> Data/Application Data/Application Data/Application Data/Application
>> Data/A
>> pplication Data/Application Data/Application
>> Data/Adobe/Acrobat/8.0/Cache/Search80/08695a9e61055471bbeac6c64c29faa3.idx" 
>> (in jabley) failed: File name too long (91)
>> But using the current snapshot, rsync (2.6.9) has been fine with the
>> long path names. There are some issues (hey, it's a snapshot!) which
>> I'll report separately, but I'm pretty happy!
> Hmm, I'm not happy any more.
> For me, rsync.exe 2.6.9-2 from Cygwin can't read long path names with 
> the latest cygwin1.dll snapshot.
> cwRsync (3.0.0) however, can read long filenames with the latest 
> cygwin1.dll snapshot.
> And there is more to it: neither rsync.exe 2.6.9-2 from Cygwin nor 
> cwRsync (3.0.0) can read long path names when rsync is started as a 
> Windows service (cygrunsrv 1.34-1).

False alarm...

It will fail i.e. with --protocol=28 (used by BackupPC).

It will not fail if protocol is omitted - rsync 3.0.0 uses protocol 30.

Tomasz Chmielewski

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