Fonts look ugly in X with gvim

Steven Woody
Tue Apr 22 08:56:00 GMT 2008


I am using gvim in X window of cygwin.  I selected a font Lucida
Typewriter same as I set for my windows version of gvim.  Lucida
Typewriter looks good in windows version of gvim, but in cygwin's
gvim, it's ugly, looks like there is a space between every character
and the letters are very thin.  Why's the wrong?  My font setting
statement is,

  set guifont=Lucida_Sans_Typewriter:h17:cANSI

I also tried the Bitstream. When I use the menu edit->select font, I
selected the bitstream versa sans mono in the font selecting dialog.
This way it worked and the bitstream looked not bad ( I still need the
Lucida thought ), and when I type in

  set guifont

in the command mode to see the font name, I got the font's name

  guifont=Bitstream Versa Sans Mono 18

But the problem is I can not made this setting forever in vimrc file,
the statement

  set guifont="Bitstream Versa Sans Mono 18"

will put the font settting back to its default, the guifont variable
was not set and became empty string. and, I also tried

  set guifont=Bitstream_Versa_San_Mono:h18:cANSI

still cann't really got the Bitstream, but this time the guifont
variable was set as expected.

What can I do with cygwin's font?  Thanks in advance.



then sun rose thinly from the sea and the old man could see the other
boats, low on the water and well in toward the shore, spread out
across the current.

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