Vista + cygwin basics

Karl M
Wed Apr 23 05:37:00 GMT 2008

Charles Wilson wrote:
> Karl M wrote:
>> Just a comment...keychain is pretty heavy for what you get in Cygwin. I had problems a long time ago with a slow laptop running XP SP2 with Cygwin windows taking a long time to open if I kicked off several at once, particularly at boot time.
>> My solution was to launch ssh-agent as a service (one for each user that wants it). That service spawns the agent and updates the user environment in the registry so that other processes can find the ssh-agent process/socket. The advantages are that it is fast and the agent survives a logout (only rekey for a reboot is desired).
>> I had thought about offering it as a package, but there was insufficient interest. Your are welcome to it if you are interested. It has been rock solid for years.
> That sounds like a useful alternative.
It is three bash script files and one C program (just compile it with gcc). The shell scripts (1) install the service, (2) are the service under cygrunsrv and (3) is the commands to add to your bash_profile. If you use a different shell, they will need syntax tweaking. The C program provides access to sending a Windows API call to broadcast a message for WM_SETTINGCHANGE. This is needed because the user can log in before the service is started in XP. I think that this all worked on WIN2k when last I tried it, but it has been a long time since I touched a WIN2k box. I have no experience with Vista :.).

Overall, it is fast and simple.



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