Remote Linux desktop in my Cygwin windows PC

Mirco Piccin
Wed Jan 2 17:00:00 GMT 2008

Hi all.

> > I'm really basic with Linux. I'm running remote applications with:
> >
> > xhost
> > ssh
> > export DISPLAY
> >
> > So I'm using Eclipse, gedit, firefox, ... like this for example in my
> > windows. Now I'm curios if I'm able to have the full desktop of my
> > Linux machine like a window in my remote Windows PC.
> >
> > I'm using the Ubuntu 7.10 in the Linux PC

Initially i follow those step :

basically is a XDMCP remote session; the only things to do in your
linux machine are:
- enable the X11Forwarding in your sshd configuration  (by default

X11Forwarding yes

- allow connection to your display manager - if you use Ubuntu, it's
Gnome : modify /etc/gdm/gdm.conf enabling xdmcp


The problem of this solution is that if you loose the session, you
can't restore that (i don't know sincerely if now this problem is
Anyway, it's not so speed.

> Another option is to use a VNC server on the linux machine, and then
> the VNC viewer on windows.  This is similar to Remote Desktop, so that
> might be what you're looking for.  Yet another option which gives good
> results is "NX", which is also similar to remote desktop, and is
> faster than VNC.

Now i'm using NX server; there's an OpensSource version (FreeNX - that is installable by apt-get (Ubuntu
Thers'e also an installation guide here

FreeNX is faster than xdmcp and more configurable.

Hope this helps you!

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