perl-5.10.0-4 -> perl-5.10.0-5 site_perl update needed

Reini Urban
Fri Jul 11 21:45:00 GMT 2008

Reini Urban schrieb:
> Yaakov (Cygwin Ports) schrieb:
>> Reini Urban wrote:
>> | In short:
>> | All old perl-5.10.0-4 generated binary site_perl modules need to be
>> | recompiled with perl-5.10.0-5.
>> | They are not ABI cross-compatible with the new vendor and archlib 
>> modules.
>> Say WHAT?  I need to recompile all binary modules in Ports?!?!?
> That should not have happened, because the MAINT maintainer (Nicholas 
> Clark) must not have applied patches, which break the 5.10 binary ABI.


> Anyway, it happened now and I wonder what would be best.
> Continue as with the 5.8.x mess where the same utf8 disaster happened, 
> or go back to a -6 based on -4 based on quilt.
> I wait for an official statement and proposed fixes from p5p for a few 
> days.
> My 5.10 patch queue was getting really big, and I was almost forced to 
> switch my build system to be quilt based. That's why I switched to a 
> MAINT patchlevel version.

The p5p statement was that it is legal to ADD functions, and it is 
illegal to REMOVE functions during the 5.10 cycle.
So it's not comparable to the 5.8 case, where structs were changed.

So breakage only occurs if a new XS library (here DateTime::Locale) 
calls an old XS library (here Params::Validate) without this new function.
This would have happened with 5.10.1 also.

A fix could be, that CPAN should refuse to accept XS packages with the 
same version number but built with older perl versions in its dependency 
checker. So that those old XS packages would get recompiled 
automatically. I'll have a chat with Andreas König about that.
Reini Urban

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