Problems with file permissions and cp when running on Vista

Corinna Vinschen
Tue Jul 29 09:18:00 GMT 2008

On Jul 29 08:49, Tom Quarendon wrote:
> Two issues as I see it.
> Firstly, cygwin doesn't appear to pick up that I have write access to the 
> file README.txt. The getacl output below doesn't list Authenticated Users. 
> I can't use vi to modify the file, but I can read the file using cat and so 
> on.

You can use vi.  You just have to write back with w!


> Secondly, cp takes a source file that I can read and copies it to a target 
> file that I subsequently can't read. This seems inconsistent. Clearly 
> cygwin is taking notice of the access control list as well as the posix 
> permissions when doing something like cat, as the README.txt file has no 

Cygwin doesn't care, actually.  When you open a file, either it works
or it doesn't.  vim checks the permission bits to show the [readonly]
text in the status line and marks it as readonly.  That doesn't mean
you can't write it if the Windows permissons allow it.

> posix permissions, but I can cat it. However cp doesn't copy that access 
> control list information so the target file only gets a copy of the posix 
> permissions.

cp only copies POSIX permissions.  This is consistent with POSIX
semantics which states that when copying a file the POSIX ACL isn't
copied as well.  Having file permissions set for "authenticated users"
but not for the actual owner is Win32 semantics.  There's no 1:1


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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