Starting http2: Win32 error 1062

Dave Korn
Wed Mar 5 15:08:00 GMT 2008

On 05 March 2008 14:30, Marc Girod wrote:

> I installed now apache2, 

  Saying "I installed it" tells us very very little.  What matters is *how*
you installed it, *what* you did, and what *happened* as a result.  Did you
run the proper install script?  Did you try and do it all manually by hand?
Did you install it as a service?  Did you run it manually from the
commandline?  (There is no need to answer those questions now, fortunately
your cygcheck had the answer; I just wanted to show what kind of information
is missing in such a plain unelaborated statement).

> /var/log/httpd2.log contains records such as:
> (13)Permission denied: httpd2: could not open error log file
> /var/log/apache2/error_log. Unable to open logs
> I cannot see what would be wrong with /var/log/apache2:

  That error message does not say that anything is wrong with
/var/log/apache2.  It says that something is wrong with

> -rw-r--r--  1 emagiro Domain Users 4788 Mar  3 12:01 error_log

  And that is probably what is wrong with it: only you have write perms, no
other user.  Looking at your cygcheck output:

Service             : cygserver
Display name        : CYGWIN cygserver
Current State       : Running
Controls Accepted   : Stop
Command             : /usr/sbin/cygserver
stdin path          : /dev/null
stdout path         : /var/log/cygserver.log
stderr path         : /var/log/cygserver.log
Process Type        : Own Process
Startup             : Automatic
Account             : LocalSystem
^^^^^^^^^^         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

you have installed it to run as the LocalSystem user.  LocalSystem does not
have write permission for that file because LocalSystem is not you.

  This probably happened because you probably manually ran apache2 under
your own user id while doing the installation - this is why we really need
to know exactly what you did and every step on the way - and it was the
first time it had ever been run, which means that it created the files for
the logs for the first time because they didn't exists yet, which means it
was running as you and created them only with perms for you.

  You chould 'chown' the log files so LocalSystem owns them, or you could
delete them and let apache2 recreate them next time it runs.

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