I have set the path and the path works in cmd but does not work in Makefile!!!

geldqb geldqb@gmail.com
Mon May 26 01:59:00 GMT 2008

hi, every body.

I have met with a problm and I have tried to find the answser myself but failed.
so please give me a hand.

when  i run makefile i got an error message below:
arm-elf-gcc -c  -mcpu=arm7tdmi -mlittle-endian  -Wall -g -O2  -I. -I../include -
I../arch -I..  -I../target/at91skyeye_gcc -I../arch/arm_gcc/common -DALLFUNC  -I
../kernel ../arch/arm_gcc/common/start.S
make: arm-elf-gcc: Command not found
make: *** [start.o] Error 127

but i HAVE set the path where arm-elf-gcc is in the .bashrc in the
HOME directory.
 i typed arm-elf-gcc directly at cmd, and i got the message below,
which means arm-elf-gcc is found.
arm-elf-gcc: no input files

so where the problem are?

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