[OT] RE: liblrdf

Cliff Hones cliff@hones.org.uk
Wed Oct 8 14:02:00 GMT 2008

Dave Korn wrote:
> John Emmas wrote on 08 October 2008 15:06:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Dave Korn"
>>> John Emmas wrote on 08 October 2008 13:37:
>>>> Dave, you must be psychic.
>>>  I knew you were going to say that.  </rimshot>
>> LOL - sadly, my elation proved to be short-lived.  What was actually
>> in cygwin-ports was
>> l i b r d f  (spaces for easier legibility) - instead of:-
>> l i b l r d f   which is what I actually need.
>   Ah, then it wasn't a typo first time round, I was forseeing the future![*]
>     cheers,
>       DaveK
> [*] - This is how "real" psychics work...

And to add to the fun, John's host has the wrong timezone set (GMT
not BST) so his posts are listed by my mail client *after* the replies 
from Dave.

-- Cliff

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