grep exit with STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION error

Bayu Adiwibowo
Fri Oct 17 09:50:00 GMT 2008

Hi Mike,

Unfortunately I only get this error massages once, so I assume this
just temporary error in my computer, but your case maybe different
considering it's happen many time. I am not programmer but I think
some one in list maybe can help you ( so I forward this message to list), 
and maybe good idea to describe your problem more detail like how you 
implement the command or some cygcheck output.

For your information I am right now not using batch file to call script, but using NSIS script from portableapps instead and
my portable cygwin run almost flawless.


On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 06:28:49AM -0700, wrote:
> Bayu Adiwibowo-2,
> Good day.  Did you find the solution for this problem?  
> I've been running (the latest) Cygwin from a USB drive about a year now and also have the same/simular problem with sed.exe during the start up script.  
> Generally, it only happens for me on the first launch and if I close that console immediately and reopen, there is no error.  However, it may occur after an hour or two if there are no consoles open during this time.
> I do not know what the solution for this problem is.  If you found a solution, please let me know.
> Regards,
> Mike B.
> Bayu Adiwibowo-2 wrote:
> > 
> > When I try to make Portable Cygwin running from USB, I using batch
> > script to install cygwin automatically and call sh script to make cygwin
> > user account. Unfortunately after several test and tunning my script
> > exited with STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLANTION error and make system unstable.
> > When i try to run my script again unfortunately i can't reproduce this
> > error again for further investigation. I wonder if it's just temporary
> > error or some thing wrong with my script, also maybe some one can give
> > me suggestion to improve my script.
> > 
> > I run cygwin 1.5.25 in Windows XP 2002 SP2 with Intel Pentium MMX 250
> > MHz with 128 ram
> > 
> > I attach my script, cygcheck output and grep stackdump file
> > 
> > 
> > 

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