1.7 - Odd behaviour with vim

Chris Sutcliffe ir0nh34d@gmail.com
Tue Feb 10 18:11:00 GMT 2009

> On second thought, is it possible that you're using a native vim as well
> and so maybe have a vim rc file with DOS paths in it?  Or an environment
> variable containing a DOS path which is referred by both vims, as, say,

Yep, that was it, in one of my functions in .vimrc I was appending a
'\tags' to the end, I now have added a 'if has("win32unix")' condition
to append '/tags' to the string (I use a common .vimrc for both native
and Cygwin vim).  I don't recall seeing this behaviour in Cygwin
1.5.x, but never the less I'm all good now.



Chris Sutcliffe

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