cmd.exe from Cygwin

Jeenu V
Mon Jan 5 19:51:00 GMT 2009

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 9:53 PM, Larry Hall (Cygwin)
<> wrote:

> The Cygwin paths are added in '/etc/profile'.  Obviously, you can
> remove them though that will make your configuration non-standard
> and unsupported.  Essentially, this would make Cygwin tools
> inaccessible when running 'bash', which doesn't sound like what
> you really want.  Obviously, you could add the Cygwin paths
> somewhere else to give Symbian priority but this is likely to just
> cause other conflicts and, again, not be what you really want.  So
> to me, the question comes down to which tools to you really want to
> use, Symbian's, Cygwin's, or something else?  Once you can answer
> that, you should be able to configure things so that you get the
> proper set for your needs.

Thanks for the info. My intention is not to throw Cygwin and it's
utilities away; but to move Cygwin path towards the end when--and only
when--I run Symbian tool chain, because, AFAIK, Symbian tool chain
doesn't ask for any tools from Cygwin.

By the way, did anybody get a change to look at my screencast?


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