mingw headers and libraries missing

Georg Troska georg.troska@cern.ch
Wed Jul 29 15:14:00 GMT 2009


sounds I have all the experts sitting together in this list. Maybe you  
can help me once more:

First a brief plan:
I'm working for the ATLAS-Collaborationand we need  for  
detectordevelopment a programinterface.
We have one really big and really old programm written in LabWindows C  
Code (of course in Windows) this is really a mess.
And we have a big new program which is almost platform-independet (http://projects.hepforge.org/eudaq/ 

These programs shound communicate with each other. As the eudaq-code  
is running very well on cygwin I thought it would be easy to write a  
dll for accessing it from windows. The LabWindow-thing can handle this  
- I tried this out.

So I changed the source-code a bit so that eudaq-software compiles  
with -mno-cygwin. In deed I get it compilable. But then the code is  
not running. For me two major problems have focussed out: I have a  
dependency on sys/selector.h and a dependency on pthread.h I think I  
can link against this external pthread-libraries (http://sourceware.org/pthreads-win32/ 
). And I found a switch inside the code for linking against  
winsock(2).h This switch is for beeing compatible with Visual C++,  
which actually is not working.

I'm not really sure if I can use the windows-like winsock environment  
in cygwin. Is it really compatible? What does this stuff with posix  
and so on mean in detail?

What do you think? Is it easier to get this stuff running in cygwin or  
to make it possible in Visual C++? I would definetly prefer the first  

How far is the development of the windows cross-compiler really?

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