urxvt-X terminfo and Bash readline

Ken Brown kbrown@cornell.edu
Mon Jun 1 19:39:00 GMT 2009

On 6/1/2009 3:14 PM, Dan Moulding wrote:
> The only problem I had was
> that emacs was looking for it in the wrong place (I presume this is
> because my emacs [the latest Cygwin build] is compiled against the old
> ncurses).

This won't be an issue much longer, at least for people who start using 
cygwin 1.7.  By the time cygwin 1.7 is released, I expect emacs-23 to be 
the current version of emacs in cygwin.  It was compiled against 
libncurses9.  It's available for testing now, in both cygwin 1.5 and 
1.7, if you want to give it a try:



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