LFTP issue

Andrew Schulman schulman.andrew@epamail.epa.gov
Sun Jun 7 10:20:00 GMT 2009

> According to the LFTP documentation, I should be able to do:
> ls | grep <string>
> and
> ls | less
> both of which only return something if I <Ctrl+C>, if I don't <Ctrl-C>
> it just sits there.
> I don't have access to a Linux machine, so I can't verify if this is a
> cygwin lftp issue, or an lftp issue in general.

Thanks for the report.  I just tried this on my linux host and it works fine
there.  I don't have a Cygwin host here but will check the behavior you report
on Monday.

Unfortunately, I don't have any idea what would make this happen in Cygwin and
not in Linux.  For the Cygwin package I just compile the upstream source, with
no changes.  Best chance would be to report this problem upstream:  see
http://lftp.yar.ru/list.html, or gmane.network.lftp.user.

Are you running Cygwin 1.5, or 1.7?  Upgrading to 1.7 would be worth a try if
you haven't yet.

BTW, lftp is currently stuck at version 3.7.6 in Cygwin, because I can't get any
later versions to run there-- they all segfault at start.  I've been meaning to
report this problem upstream, too.  So obviously there are some Cygwin problems
with lftp right now.


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