[1.7] compile error after updating 1.7

Christopher Faylor cgf-use-the-mailinglist-please@cygwin.com
Thu Jun 18 18:32:00 GMT 2009

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 06:39:56PM +0200, jean-luc malet wrote:
>I just decided to update my 1.7 cygwin to the latest release
>it seems to run more smoothly now than in previous release :)
>however I'm getting strange errors when try to compile a project I'm working on
>I didn't get this on previous release
>I tryed to clean and rebuild everything and same result
>cc  -shared                 -o GENERATED/libglui-0.0.1.dll
>-Wl,--export-all-symbols -Wl,--enable-auto-import
>-Wl,--no-whole-archive  -lGLU -lGL -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lglut -L/bin
>GENERATED/algebra3.o GENERATED/button.o GENERATED/callback.o
>GENERATED/collapsible.o GENERATED/container.o GENERATED/control.o
>GENERATED/debug.o GENERATED/DefaultTheme.o GENERATED/event_handler.o
>GENERATED/Exception.o GENERATED/imKStoUCS.o GENERATED/LightningTheme.o
>GENERATED/MasterObject.o GENERATED/node.o GENERATED/separator.o
>GENERATED/statictext.o GENERATED/text.o GENERATED/themes.o
>GENERATED/todo.o GENERATED/VertexObject.o GENERATED/window.o

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