Possible Bug or limitation in Cygwin 1.7 and Rsync and file number limit

Lists lists@trcintl.com
Sat Jun 20 04:11:00 GMT 2009

> Lists wrote:
>> Larry Hall wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>> Can you upgrade to the latest Cygwin 1.7 package and try again.  From 
>>> your
>>> cygcheck output, it looks like things are not correct but this may be 
>>> just
>>> a problem with an old cygcheck that doesn't know how to find the 
>>> implicit
>>> mounts.  If the issue is still the same, resending the output of the new
>>> cygcheck would be helpful.
>> I just downloaded the newest version of cygwin 1.7 as of 6-19-09 at 
>> approximately 3:30 CST and had the exact same results.  Please find the 
>> new cygcheck.out file attached.  You mentioned above that their might be 
>> a problem with the mounts.  Not sure if it helps to know this, but I can 
>> successfully use rsync to copy many gigabytes of files.  It just hangs 
>> when there are thousands of files in a single directory (9,000 seems to 
>> always do it.).  Also note that this cygcheck was done on a different 
>> computer than the first just to make sure this isn't computer specific. 
>> Again, I have tried it on several.
>> Thank you in advance.
> Your cygcheck output looks more like what I would expect except that it
> is truncated.  Does this happen when you run it or did it just get stopped
> early?
> -- 
> Larry Hall                              http://www.rfk.com
> RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
> 216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
> Holliston, MA 01746

It didn't get stoped early, that is just what it looks like on this machine. 
I ran it again to verify and got what appears to be the same thing, at least 
it seems to stop in the same place.  This particular machine runs Windows 
Vista so perhaps that has something to do with it?  Either way, the rsync 
results were the same.  Attached you should find another copy created on yet 
another machine.  Rsync results remain the same.  This machine runs XP.

Thank you again.

- Kyle

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