Slow/sluggish response ("system" task at 50%)

Gene Smith
Wed Jun 24 17:18:00 GMT 2009

Dave Korn wrote:
> Gene Smith wrote:
>> Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
>>> Gene Smith wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>>> Since I don't have a "HOME" env var in windows, cygwin is getting the
>>>> cygwin HOME from /etc/passwd. So I tried it both ways. With 1.5 I set
>>>> home to be the empty directory /home/smited (under c:/cygwin). It
>>>> didn't make it any faster. With beta-1.7 I set home to
>>>> /cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/smited (where all the cruft is)
>>>> and it didn't make it any slower. So where cygwin points $HOME at
>>>> terminal startup does not seem to have an effect for me. Current
>>>> version 1.5 is slow while beta-1.7 is fast, for still unknown reasons.
>>> I guess you're stuck looking at strace output to see if that helps
>>> pinpoint the problem...
>> I ran the make under "strace -o outfile make" but I couldn't really tell
>> what I was looking at in the outfile.
>   The main thing to look at is the absolute and relative timestamps in the
> first two columns, and see if any of the delays look inordinately long, that
> would indicate a specific syscall ran into a big delay.
>     cheers,
>       DaveK

Well, it was OK at first after a reinstall with the "default" setup, 
enough to run and build a project with an cross compiled embedded 
toolchain. But when I install gcc, make, svn etc (enough to compile the 
openocd project) then it is slow again. I ran strace on the make process 
again and see lines like this that look bad:

3688545 13178956 [proc_waiter] make 868 
pinfo::maybe_set_exit_code_from_windows: pid 9176, exit value - old 
0x8000000, windows 0xDEADBEEF, cygwin 0x8000000n/

The "deadbeef" sounds like a marker of some sort?

This delay occur repetitively and many times during the build.

I think the *exact* same problem is pointed to by this thread:
Unfortunately, no solution is described. :(

If I set my windows path into /usr/bin of cygwin, I can run the same 
build in a dos cmd window and it runs fast. For me, it is only slow in 
the cygwin terminal. However, for my co-worker, it seems to be slow for 
him too in the dos box (I have no idea why).

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