Some questions about mintty

Mark Harig
Thu Jun 25 02:07:00 GMT 2009

> > At the bash shell prompt while editing commands is one example, but
> > it is also the case for me in text editors, vim or emacs, for example.
> > From the Options menu, I set the cursor type to block and set the
> > cursor color to a light color, say, yellow, and then moved the block
> > cursor back over the text of a command at the shell prompt.
> > Because the cursor-text color remained white, when it combined
> > with the light block color, the text inside the cursor block
> > "disappeared."
> Could you attach your .minttyrc? Have you got any commands in your
> bash startup files that might be relevant here? And what's you PS1
> setting?

To simplify the problem, I eliminated the ~/.bashrc & ~/.bash_profile
initialization files:

   $ mintty -e /bin/bash --norc --noprofile

Please find attached a simplified ~/.minttyrc file.  I renamed my "old" 
started mintty, set the color options for foreground, background, and
cursor, set the cursor type to 'block' and then accepted these
changes to generate a new ~/.minttyrc file.

PS1 is:

[~]$ echo $PS1

The behavior with the block cursor's text remains: The text is light inside
the light block, making the character difficult to read.  Using the solution
that you provided (echoing an escape sequence to set the cursor text
color) fixes the problem.

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