Problem with mintty-0.4.1-1 and orpie

Andy Koppe
Fri Jun 26 08:37:00 GMT 2009

2009/6/25 Andrew Schulman:
>> After upgrading to mintty-0.4.1-1, the Enter, +, -, *, and / keys on my
>> number pad no longer with in orpie. Reverting to mintty-0.4.0-2 solves
>> the problem. Also, running "TERM=cygwin orpie" also solves the problem.
>> (TERM=xterm by default for me. I have no idea where that comes from.)
>> Is this a problem with the new mintty release or operator error?
> I presume that someone will let me know if there's some problem with orpie here.
> Be warned that I find all terminal-related stuff deeply confusing and so would
> need specific instructions to fix any problem in orpie.

There is, but it isn't too serious: with NumLock off, Enter and the
operator keys on the numpad don't work in orpie when running in xterm
or mintty. That's because it doesn't seek to support the "application
keypad mode" keycodes. (But users will probably have NumLock on anyway
if they're gonna use the numpad in a calculator.)

> Hey!  I'm glad to know that someone else is using orpie.  I like it, which is
> why I packaged it for Cygwin, but I thought I might be the only one.

I wasn't aware of it, but it does look rather good, with a pleasingly
high geek factor. And it's written in OCaml, what more could one want?


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