Cygwin programs doesn't support non-ASCII filenames

Sat May 9 16:50:00 GMT 2009

On 2009-5-9 23:44, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On May  9 23:12, Lenik wrote:
>> (This mail is encoded in utf-8)
>> On 2009-5-9 18:02, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>> [Repeated and additional question.  I accidentally sent this as PM.
>>>    Sorry about that.  Let's keep this on the list, please]
>>> On May  9 11:43, Lenik wrote:
>>>> (My system locale is zh_CN)
>>> What ANSI codepage is that?
>>> And what OEM codepage uses the console Window by default?
>> `chcp' shows codepage is 937
> 937?!?  Per MSDN there's no 937 codepage, rather a 936 codepage
Sorry, it's 936.

> Ok, but that's not Cygwin's problem, just the d tool would need an
> update at one point, perhaps.  OTOH, what you're doing is a bit
> borderline.  When you start this stuff from cmd, you will have to enter
> the filename in the notation valid for the locale in which the
> application works.  For d, which only works in the C locale, you would
> have to give the pathname using the SO/UTF-8 sequences.  Right now I
> have no idea if there's a workaround for that, but keep in mind that
> we're at the beginning of real native language support.  Unfortunately
> it's all a bit more complicated than on non-Windows systems, given the
> UTF-16-ness of the underlying system.
d is an example, there's more. so I guess it should be resolved in 
cygwin maybe better...

Though I maybe able to use UTF-8 sequences to invoke d tool, but I can't 
do anything about cwd, for example:
	bash-3.2$ pwd

	bash-3.2$ ls
	Gears Shortcut Sample.lnk  hello      setup.xj  worker.js
	e-3.4.lnk                  reply.txt  sms.xls

	bash-3.2$ d
	---------  :  0  Jan 01  1970  桌面

> The default lcoale is "C", as demanded by POSIX.  Everything else is
> in responsibility of the application.  Please read
But set LANG=C will get a different result,

	C:\Profiles\Shecti> set LANG=& bash -c "cat 你好"
	cat: 你好: No such file or directory

	C:\Profiles\Shecti> set LANG=C& bash -c "cat 你好"

So I guess the default locale isn't C.


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