Issuing commands at the command prompt

Corinna Vinschen
Thu Nov 19 16:05:00 GMT 2009

On Nov 19 14:21, Fergus wrote:
> It is sometimes convenient to issue Cygwin commands at the Windows
> command prompt, without all the accompanying paraphernalia of formal
> setup, installation, mounting, etc. There are lots of examples (cat,
> diff, grep, md5sum, find, cmp, joe). As well as being convenient, it
> is easy, as long as all required .dll's are co-located with the
> .exe's, and the directory added to the Windows path.
> The "mount" command is included in this useful list. In [1.5] you
> can type "mount  -c /" at the command prompt, providing a nice
> shorthand to access different drives. (Actually "mount -buc /".) In
> [1.7] the command generates no error message but in fact fails*, the
> cygdrive prefix remaining unaltered. I know the mount conventions in
> [1.5] and [1.7] are very different but is there any reason in
> principle why this could not be made to work in [1.7] as it does in
> [1.5]?

In Cygwin 1.7 the mount table is in /etc/fstab in the first place.
The mount command does not change that file, rather, you have to
change it using your favorite editor.  The lifetime of re-mounts
using the mount(1) command is the lifetime of the current Cygwin
session of the current user.  As soon as the last Cygwin process
stops, the shared memory containing the mount points is destroyed and
the changes are forgotten.  The next Cygwin process starts with
the automatic mount points plus the mount points from /etc/fstab
again.  It was the same when using the registry mount points in
Cygwin 1.5, the only difference is that mount(1) does not change
/etc/fstab, while the old mount changed the registry.  If you want a
user specific, persistent cygdrive prefix, just add a matching entry to
the file /etc/fstab.d/$USER with $USER == the Cygwin user name of the
current user.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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