bash loop using mintty

Andy Koppe
Sun Apr 18 04:39:00 GMT 2010

Jeremy Bopp wrote:
> On 4/17/2010 3:31 PM, ERIC HO wrote:
>> I  just tested it under xterm and bash loops as well with shift F12.
> I just reproduced this problem with a simpler test case.  Enter vi
> editing mode under bash and then type ESC-;.  That is, press the escape
> key and then hit the semicolon key.  I'm not sure why offhand, but the
> semicolon while in vi-movement-mode causes bash to spin out.

When you say spin out, do you mean it's fully loading a core? That
would obviously be a bug, but I don't see that. For me, both with
ESC-; and Shift-F12 it's just sitting there waiting for more input,
which to me looks like normal operation because I do know that the
escape character at the start of both of those takes vi into command
mode and I've got no idea what either ';' or '[24;2~' might mean in
command mode. In both cases, pressing Enter a couple of time produces
a new prompt.


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