1.7.7: Open BASH Shell Here goes to wrong location

Roe, Kevin L. roe2@llnl.gov
Wed Dec 1 23:24:00 GMT 2010

> 'mintty -' invokes your shell as a login shell. The default
> /etc/profile will cd to your home directory, but presumably you've
> changed that, as that's not what you're seeing. Hence you'll end up in
> whatever directory Explorer decided to start mintty, so it seems
> Explorer doesn't necessarily set the current directory to the one
> you're looking at. Apparently that could be due to a shell extension,
> according to this:
> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2010/11/09/10087919.aspx
[Roe, Kevin L.] 
Thanks!  I guess that explains it.  Still strange, but it doesn't really matter.  I was just curious.

> > Any ideas?
> As Matt said: use 'chere'. That's what it's for.
[Roe, Kevin L.] 
Hmmm...  As I explained, I already was, but thanks for the advice.

> Andy
> --

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